
Yes my title was extremely punny and terrible even for me, but it’s true. The amount of essays I’ve had lately is frankly ridiculous, and it’s meant that I’ve been feeling a lot more tired than usual. I’ll sit down in front of my blank page, and my mind will just go blank. It’s as if every time I convince myself that I’m going to work, I end up with about 10 words on the page and think that’s acceptable progress. 

Maybe that’s just me being a typical student, but I think most of it this year is to do with having no motivation. I recently had an essay as part of a group task, and no one else was in a rush to complete it. I ended up exerting most of my effort into it, even though other people obviously couldn’t care less. After that, I’ve just been thinking what is the point? I think (hope) once I complete this next essay, I’ll be back to my usually motivated self. 

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